Jamur Jelly? Apaan tuh?! [Part 3 - Academic English version]

          Kalian masih ingat sama Jamur Jelly? Yang dulu pernah ku bahas di postingan Jamur Jelly part 1 dan Jamur Jelly part 2. Pembahasanku di postingan itu amatiran buanget sih wkwkwk, secara waktu itu aku belum jadi mahasiswa, baru lulus SMA, jadi argumen ku di sana untuk menentukan spesies jamur jelly yang tumbuh di depan kamar ku itu minim ilmu banget. Sebenarnya malu sih buat tetap mempertahankan postingan itu di blog ku, malu juga untuk menyertakan link postingan terdahulu itu di blog ku, dan malu juga sama ilmu yang sudah ku dapat selama kuliah tentang identifikasi suatu spesies (bahkan untuk mengetahui suatu makhluk hidup itu tergolong dalam spesies apa itu aja susah banget, malah pernah asisten ku bilang itu sudah masuk ranah nya kuliah S2), ya malu lah pokoknya. Postingan itu jadi tetap ada bahkan ku sertakan hiperlink-nya di postingan ini suapaya kalian tahu dan lihat sendiri bahwa ilmu seseorang itu nggak bisa tiba-tiba ada, semuanya itu melalui proses belajar. Hal itu juga bisa dijadikan pelajaran bahwa jangan pernah merasa kita nggak bisa  kalau belum mencoba, sesuatu itu harus kita coba dulu, pelajari, dan dari situ kita bisa tahu ternyata kita bisa. Lihat aja postingan ku 1 setengah tahun yang lalu itu, lalu kalian baca postingan yang ini, kelihatan banget bedanya, dan perbedaan itu ada karena proses belajar. 

          Postingan tentang jamur jelly dalam academik english version ini ku buat bukan tanpa alasan, ini sebetulnya adalah tuntutan tugas kuliah wkwkwk, kata dosen ku kami itu "dipaksa" untuk membuat tulisan dalam bahasa inggris, karena kalo nggak dipaksa bisa-bisa kami seumur hidup nggak akan pernah membuat tulisan dalam bahasa inggris (dan aku setuju sekali dengan itu) 😂. Jadi postingan ini tentunya beda dengan postingan ku yang dulu pernah ku buat, hanya saja topiknya sama yaitu tentang Jamur Jelly. Karya ku ini sudah melalui tahap revisi sekian kali loh, jadi harapanya ini betul-betul sudah baik. Mungkin cukup segini aja penjabaran latar belakangnya, 2 paragraf cukup lah ya wkwk...


Jelly fungus is one of subclass holobasidiomycatidae from phylum basidiomycota. Jelly fungus put into phylum basidiomycota because this fungus has asexual reproduction structure in the form of a basidium and the fruit body can be seen directly by eyes. As another fungi, jelly fungus feed by absorbing nutrients from the environment with hyphae which secrete acids and enzyme to break the surrounding organic material down into simple molecules they can easily absorb. Jelly fungi often grow on logs, stumps and twigs because there are many organic materials as food and nutrients for jelly fungi to live. Jelly fungus has many benefits such as decomposer, nutrious food source, suplement and medicine.

Keyword: fungi, jelly fungi, edible mushroom

            Fungus is one of the system of five kingdom which is developed by Whittaker in 1969, but in system of three domains developed by Woese et. al. In 1990 fungi put into the domain Eukarya. The science of learning about fungi is called micology. People who study micology are called micologist.

            The body of fungus has a spesific character, that is a mycelium made out of a web of tiny filaments called hyphae. Hyphae has a tubular shape and hard cell walls which is built by chitin. This is a same material as the hard outer shell of insets and other arthropods. Fungi feed by absorbing nutriens from the organic material in environment they live. Hyphae secrete acids and enzymes which break the surrounding organic material down into simple molecules they can easily absorb. Fungi can decay selulose and lignin, because of that fungi have an important role in the process of decay. Cooperation between bacteria and fungi become a biosphere decomposer on earth.

            Fungus is devided into several phyla, namely chytridiomycota, zygomycota, glomeromycota, and basidiomycota. Phylum basidiomycota has a asexual reproduction structure in the form of a basidium. Fungi on the basidiomycota are usually large (can be seen directly by eyes) and can be eaten. One subclass of the phylum basidiomycota is a subclass of holobasidiomycatidae, in this subclass there is a jelly fungus. Jelly fungus put into phylum basidiomycota because this fungus has asexual reproduction structure in the form of a basidium and the fruit body can be seen directly by eyes.

            Jelly fungi make rubbery, seaweed-like mushrooms. They are colored white, orange, pink, brown or black. The mushrooms are shapeless, shaped like cups, raiload spiker or branched like coral. Jelly fungi often grow on logs, stumps and twigs, because there are many organic materials as food and nutrients for jelly fungi to live. They often appear on decaying wood just a few days after a good rain. An interesting feature about them is that they can dry up becoming leathery and disorted in form, but then rehydrate, or take water into their system, grow soft again and take on their original form.

            Jelly fungi also have other benefits in addition to as decomposers, other benefits like as a nutritious food source and medicines. Because these fungi include phylum basidiomycota which is generally an edible mushroom, so jelly fungi are often made in a variety of dishes, in addition because of its unique texture also makes this fungi much preferred by the public. In China for example, people there commercially consume jelly fungi as a dish for sweet soup dishes or chicken soup or as a component of drinks and ice cream. In Indonesia, jelly fungi are also used as a mixture of soup like ear fungus or black fungus (Auricularia auricula). Ear fungus is also known as tree fungus or black tree fungus in China. Other ear fungus is also exist which live wild in Indonesia such as Himoela cutricula.

           As an edible mushroom, jelly mushrooms also contain many nutrients which can make increase the economic value. For example ear fungus (Auricularia auricula) contains many proteins, calories, carbohydrates, fats, water, and pospor. Ear mushrooms also contain lots of fiber and low cholesterol. Although the protein content in ear mushrooms is not as much as beef, but when compared with common oyster mushrooms consumed in Indonesia, the protein content in mushroom is quite high. In addition, there is snow mushroom (Tremella fuciformis) which is a type of white jelly fungus also contains high enough protein and rich in vitamins and minerals. White fungus contains much iron, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. The fat and gum-like protein in it is especially nourishing to the body. It is considered a good supplement to the body. It lubricates the colon and stimulates peristalsis. White fungus is also said to be effective in nourishing the lungs, healing dry cough and clearing heat in the lungs. Those who have weak lungs catch cold easily. As edible mushroom jelly fungus also avail for supplements, antiinfectives, antitumor, lowers blood cholesterol, raises antioxidant levels in the brain or liver and increases body fluids.In China ever since the Ming dynasty jelly fungus is also popularly used as a drug and supplement.


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Okay, enough for today, hopefully I can continuously make or translate article in english language, aamiin...

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